We are proud of our children and all that they achieve and share with them a great pride in our school
Limited vacancies exist for Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6. Please contact the School for further information.
Email enrolment enquiries to: admin@stjudes.wa.edu.au
Enrolment Procedure
School Age Calculator
Enrolment Application
Thank you for your interest in St Jude’s, Langford. We appreciate that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make.
Email enrolment enquiries to: admin@stjudes.wa.edu.au
St Jude's Scholarships
St Jude’s Catholic School Scholarship program is now available for children who are active parishioners of St Jude’s Parish.
Download the application form or you can contact the School Office on 6350 2500 for more information.
Attendance and Non-attendance Procedures
St Jude’s believes there is a need to engage students and establish positive attendance behaviours in the early years of schooling; to support student attendance at transition points and to raise parent and community awareness of the fact that, where academic achievement is concerned, every day counts. There is a mutual obligation of schools, parents, and communities to develop strategies that link directly to the local causes of student absence.