We are proud of our children and all that they achieve and share with them a great pride in our school

English as an Additional Language

English as an additional language or dialect learners are those students who speak a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English (SAE) as their first language. These students therefore require targeted, structured and explicit language support to develop their SAE competency. 

With access to intensive Literacy programmes which are directly aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum, we support the development of Standard Australian English (SAE) and the associated cultural and social understandings that impact the learning of all students, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, whether arriving from overseas or born in Australia, including Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students.

St Jude’s Catholic School provides excellent learning opportunities provided to our students for whom English is an additional language or dialect (EAL/D). Our outstanding teachers pride themselves on their dedication to implementing a range of evidence-based practices that support every learner, across every Learning Area, in every classroom in our school. At St Jude’s, every child matters, every day!

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